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Linking dropdown components

Linking components refers to establishing relationships between different components within your form via specific functions. Namely, you can define an action that updates the value of one component based on the value of another component. Therefore, your form can feature more complex workflows and provide better user experience.

The following guide showcases how to link two dropdown components using an onChange action. Once the value of the first dropdown list is configured, the value of the second dropdown list will be updated automatically.

Linking dropdown lists example

This example incorporates two dropdown components: country and city. The city dropdown component's options depend on the selected value of the country dropdown component. When the user selects a country, the options in the city dropdown should update accordingly:

"version": "1",
"actions": {
"onCountryChange": {
"body": " = undefined",
"params": {}
"form": {
"key": "Screen",
"type": "Screen",
"props": {},
"children": [
"key": "country",
"type": "RsDropdown",
"props": {
"data": {
"value": [
"value": "at",
"label": "Austria"
"value": "cn",
"label": "China"
"label": "Turkey",
"value": "tr"
"label": "USA",
"value": "us"
"label": {
"value": "Country"
"creatable": {
"value": true
"events": {
"onChange": [
"name": "onCountryChange",
"type": "code"
"key": "city",
"type": "RsDropdown",
"props": {
"label": {
"value": "City"
"data": {
"value": [],
"computeType": "function",
"fnSource": " const cities = {\n 'at': [\n {label: 'Innsbruck', value: 'Innsbruck'},\n {label: 'Salzburg', value: 'Salzburg'},\n {label: 'Vienna', value: 'Vienna'},\n ],\n 'cn': [\n {label: 'Shanghai', value: 'Shanghai'},\n {label: 'Beijing', value: 'Beijing'},\n {label: 'Guangzhou', value: 'Guangzhou'},\n ],\n 'tr': [\n {label: 'Istanbul', value: 'Istanbul'},\n {label: 'Antalya', value: 'Antalya'},\n {label: 'Izmir', value: 'Izmir'},\n {label: 'Ankara', value: 'Ankara'},\n ],\n 'us': [\n {label: 'New York', value: 'New York'},\n {label: 'Los Angeles', value: 'Los Angeles'},\n {label: 'Washington', value: 'Washington'},\n ],\n }\n\nconsole.log('recalc values for ',, cities[] ?? [])\n return cities[] ?? []"
"creatable": {
"value": true
"events": {
"onLoadData": []
"localization": {},
"languages": [
"code": "en",
"dialect": "US",
"name": "English",
"description": "American English",
"bidi": "ltr"
"defaultLanguage": "en-US"

Two features of this form are noteworthy:

  1. Upon changing the value in the dropdown list of countries, the onCountryChange action code is triggered.
  2. The Data property, which represents the list of possible values for the city dropdown, is a computed field that assumes different values based on the value of the country field.

When the country dropdown value changes, the onCountryChange action is executed. Inside the action, the value of the city dropdown is set to undefined. This ensures that the selected city is reset whenever the country changes. Here's the code:

* @param {ActionEventArgs} e - the action arguments.
* @param {} args - the action parameters arguments.
async function Action(e, args) { = undefined

By attaching the onCountryChange action to the onChange event of the country dropdown, the action is automatically triggered whenever the user selects a different country. This allows the city dropdown to be dynamically updated with the cities corresponding to the selected country, creating a linked relationship between the two dropdowns.

When the value in country changes, the list of possible values in the city field is automatically recalculated. Here is the code of the calculated field:

* @param {IFormData} form
* @return {array}
function Calculation(form) {
const cities = {
'at': [
{label: 'Innsbruck', value: 'Innsbruck'},
{label: 'Salzburg', value: 'Salzburg'},
{label: 'Vienna', value: 'Vienna'},
'cn': [
{label: 'Shanghai', value: 'Shanghai'},
{label: 'Beijing', value: 'Beijing'},
{label: 'Guangzhou', value: 'Guangzhou'},
'tr': [
{label: 'Istanbul', value: 'Istanbul'},
{label: 'Antalya', value: 'Antalya'},
{label: 'Izmir', value: 'Izmir'},
{label: 'Ankara', value: 'Ankara'},
'us': [
{label: 'New York', value: 'New York'},
{label: 'Los Angeles', value: 'Los Angeles'},
{label: 'Washington', value: 'Washington'},

console.log('recalc values for ',, cities[] ?? [])
return cities[] ?? []

By following this example, you can link your own dropdown components together and update the options of one dropdown based on the selection of the other dropdown.