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Form's JSON

Each form created in the form designer is JSON. With the designer, you can export a form to JSON, and you can import a form from JSON.

Let's take for example the form from this section of the documentation.

Export form to JSON

To export a JSON form, go to the designer interface and click the blue menu button and select "Download".

Form's JSON 01

The form will be saved to a file with the extension .json.

Get the form's JSON in React component

If you need get the form's JSON inside the React component body, you can use the IFormBuilder ref:

const FormBuilderApp = () => {
const builderRef = useRef<IFormBuilder>()

const setRef = (builder: IFormBuilder | null) => {
if (builder) {
builderRef.current = builder
const formJSON = builder.formAsString

return <FormBuilder

Import form from JSON

To import a form in JSON format, select the blue menu button in the designer, and then select "Upload".

Form&#39;s JSON 02

Embedded JSON form editor

You can also edit the form data in JSON directly in the form designer. To do this, you need to click the "Edit JSON" button, as in the screenshot below.


This opens the built-in JSON form code editor. After you close the form by clicking the close button in the top right corner of the screen, the JSON with the form code will be applied in the form designer.


JSON form description

Let's take a look at what a JSON form is, below is an example:

"version": "1",
"actions": {
"logValue": {
"body": " console.log('Name',",
"params": {}
"tooltipType": "RsTooltip",
"errorType": "RsErrorMessage",
"form": {
"key": "Screen",
"type": "Screen",
"props": {},
"children": [
"key": "name",
"type": "RsInput",
"props": {
"label": {
"value": "Name"
"schema": {
"validations": [
"key": "required"
"key": "min",
"args": {
"limit": 3
"key": "RsButton 1",
"type": "RsButton",
"props": {
"children": {
"value": "Submit"
"events": {
"onClick": [
"name": "validate",
"type": "common"
"name": "logValue",
"type": "code"
"tooltipProps": {
"text": {
"value": "Hello, world!"
"trigger": {
"value": [
"localization": {},
"languages": [
"code": "en",
"dialect": "US",
"name": "English",
"description": "American English",
"bidi": "ltr"
"defaultLanguage": "en-US"

The form is represented by the PersistedForm type. Let's take a closer look at the parts of this JSON.


This is the version of the form saved in JSON format. The list of possible versions is listed in PersistedFormVersion.

"version": "1",


A list of actions is simply a Record, the key in that Record is the name of the action, the value is the function body and function parameters.

"actions": {
"logValue": {
"body": " console.log('Name',",
"params": {}

Types of error and tooltip components

  • tooltipType - the name of the component type (usually the displayName of the React component) that displays the tooltip.
  • errorType - the name of the component type (usually the displayName of the React component) that displays the error.
"tooltipType": "RsTooltip",
"errorType": "RsErrorMessage",


This describes the form itself, which is represented by a component tree, see the ComponentStore type for more details. form is the root element of the component tree.

"form": {
"key": "Screen",
"type": "Screen",
"props": {},
"children": [
"key": "name",
"type": "RsInput",
"props": {
"label": {
"value": "Name"
"schema": {
"validations": [
"key": "required"
"key": "min",
"args": {
"limit": 3
"key": "RsButton 1",
"type": "RsButton",
"props": {
"children": {
"value": "Submit"
"events": {
"onClick": [
"name": "validate",
"type": "common"
"name": "logValue",
"type": "code"
"tooltipProps": {
"text": {
"value": "Hello, world!"
"trigger": {
"value": [


The next set of data relates to localization.

  • localization - a form localization data ( see LocalizationValue). The Fluent language is used for localization.
  • languages - an array of languages that the form supports. The language is described by the Language type.
  • defaultLanguage - the default form language, e.g. 'en-US'.
"localization": {},
"languages": [
"code": "en",
"dialect": "US",
"name": "English",
"description": "American English",
"bidi": "ltr"
"defaultLanguage": "en-US"