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Component styling


Styling of components in Form Builder is quite simple - you can customize styles for a component on the "Style" tab. The styles will be compiled into a CSS class. The name of this CSS class will be passed to the component's rendering function as the className property. Also, you can to set different styles for different layouts.

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Each component (except Containers) in the form is placed in an outer wrapper, a tooltip and a wrapper for displaying errors during rendering. This is what the nesting structure of a regular component looks like:

<Wrapper className="wrapperCss">
<Component className="componentCss"/>

Styles specific to different HTML elements (for example font-size for the Label component or fit for the Image component) are applied directly to it. These properties can be edited on the Style tab, under the Component heading.

The sizing, padding, positioning and other styles inherent in all components are applied to the outer wrapper of the component. They are located under the Wrapper heading.

You can also enter the CSS code for the component or wrapper into the editor at the bottom. There you can use all CSS properties such selectors, pseudo-classes, etc.

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The Container components has no outer wrappers, and all styles are attached to it:

<Container className="css">

Styling a header component

Stylize the simple Header component on the demo page. Open a browser at Select the Subheader component and click on the "Style" tab as in the screenshot below:

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Now select the "Center" value in the "Alignment" property. In the Component style code editor, copy the value of the selected lines: {
font-size: 48px;
padding: 20px;
color: rgba(0, 3, 4, 0.596);
background: linear-gradient(0.25turn, #3f87a6, #ebf8e1, #f69d3c);

As a result, the component will be styled roughly as in the screenshot:

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Now let's look at how styling works for custom components.

Styling a simple component

First, let's make a simple component that will render div:

import {define} from '@react-form-builder/core'
import type {ReactNode} from 'react'

export interface StyledDivProps {
children?: ReactNode
className?: string

export const StyledDiv = (props: StyledDivProps) => {
return <div
style={{flex: 1}}

export const styledDiv = define(StyledDiv, 'StyledDiv')

In the properties of the StyledDivProps component, the className property is defined, which is responsible for the name of the CSS class. In the component's rendering function, the className property was passed to div. It's simple.

Let's add a component to the application. For simplicity, we will have a designer with only one component:

import {BuilderView, FormBuilder} from '@react-form-builder/designer'
import {styledDiv} from './StyledDiv.tsx'

const builderView = new BuilderView([])

export const App = () => {
return <FormBuilder view={builderView}/>

export default App

Open your application and add the StyledDiv component to the form. Then switch to the "Styled" tab in the right pane. You should see something like this:

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Custom style properties

You can also bind CSS properties using the css annotation. Take a look at the code below:

import {define, oneOf, size} from '@react-form-builder/core'
import type {ReactNode} from 'react'


export const styledDiv = define(StyledDiv, 'StyledDiv')
borderStyle: oneOf('solid', 'dashed', 'dotted', 'double', 'center', 'groove').default('solid'),
borderWidth: size.default('1px'),
borderRadius: number.default(0),
borderColor: color.default('black'),
textAlign: oneOf('start', 'end', 'left', 'right', 'center', 'justify')

Use the css annotation to describe the CSS styles of the component for the designer. After description is added - the style editors will appear on the "Style" tab:

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