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Designer localization

Using custom languages in Designer can greatly enhance your project by allowing you to target a specific audience or customize the user experience. You can localize elements such as menu names, component names, property names, and so on. By using custom languages, you can ensure that these elements are displayed in the desired language.

To provide localization for Designer, it is required to use i18n property. This will ensure that the interface is displayed in the desired language, providing users with a more customized experience. Below is an example of how to configure and manage custom languages for Designer.

Let's provide custom localization for the left static menu to French and Turkish by using the following snippet:

import {frFR, trTR} from 'rsuite/esm/locales/index.js'

const builderLanguages: FormBuilderI18n = {
languages: [
new Language('fr', 'FR', 'French', 'Français'),
new Language('tr', 'TR', 'Turkish', 'Türkçe'),
getData: async languageFullCode => {
if (languageFullCode === 'tr-TR') {
return {
data: {leftMenu: {menu: 'Menü'}},
componentsLocale: trTR
return {
data: {leftMenu: {menu: 'Menu'}},
componentsLocale: frFR


Therefore, the left menu should be localized to French and Turkish. Use similar logic to customize other elements of the Designer.

The translation files can be found in the @react-form-builder/designer/dist/locales/ folder (inside your node_modules directory):

Translation files