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Some component properties can be localized. In order for a component property to be localizable, the following conditions must be met - the property must be of type string and the notLocalize method has not been called for this property.

Here is an example of a component where the name property is localized, but the value property is not:

import {define, string} from '@react-form-builder/core'

interface MyComponentProps {
name: string
value: string

const MyComponent = (props: MyComponentProps) => {
return <span>
{}: {props.value}

export const myComponent = define(MyComponent)
name: string,
value: string.notLocalize

Example of localization

The form builder uses the Fluent library to localize component properties. We recommend that you follow this link and familiarize yourself with the capabilities of this library.

For the example, we will create a form to display the data as in the example on the Fluent website. The form will have a field for entering the username, fields for entering the number of photos and selecting the gender. At the bottom of the form there will be two static fields to display localized data.

You can simply copy the JSON below and upload it to the public demo.

"version": "1",
"form": {
"key": "Screen",
"type": "Screen",
"props": {},
"children": [
"key": "userName",
"type": "RsInput",
"props": {
"label": {
"value": "User name"
"key": "photoCount",
"type": "RsNumberFormat",
"props": {
"label": {
"value": "Photo count"
"key": "userGender",
"type": "RsRadioGroup",
"props": {
"name": {
"value": "Gender"
"label": {
"value": "Gender"
"items": {
"value": [
"value": "male",
"label": "Male"
"value": "female",
"label": "Female"
"value": "unspecified",
"label": "Unspecified"
"key": "RsStaticContent 1",
"type": "RsStaticContent",
"props": {
"content": {
"value": "Greetings",
"computeType": "localization"
"key": "RsStaticContent 2",
"type": "RsStaticContent",
"props": {
"content": {
"value": "shared photos",
"computeType": "localization"
"localization": {
"en-US": {
"RsStaticContent_1": {
"component": {
"content": "Hello, {$userName}!"
"RsStaticContent_2": {
"component": {
"content": "{$userName} {$photoCount ->\n [one] added a new photo\n *[other] added {$photoCount} new photos\n } to {$userGender ->\n [male] his stream\n [female] her stream\n *[other] their stream\n }."
"de-DE": {
"RsStaticContent_1": {
"component": {
"content": "Hallo, {$userName}!"
"fr-FR": {
"RsStaticContent_1": {
"component": {
"content": "Bonjour, {$userName}!"
"languages": [
"code": "en",
"dialect": "US",
"name": "English",
"description": "American English",
"bidi": "ltr"
"code": "de",
"dialect": "DE",
"name": "Deutsch",
"description": "German",
"bidi": "ltr"
"code": "fr",
"dialect": "FR",
"name": "Français",
"description": "French",
"bidi": "ltr"
"defaultLanguage": "en-US"

Click on the "Preview" button to test the form. The form language switch is set to "English", which means that localization for English will be applied. The default language for the form is also set to English, see line 127 in JSON.

Localization 01

Let's enter the data into the form. In the "User name" field enter the value "Mark", in the "Photo count" field set the value "3", and in the "Gender" field select "Male".

As you enter data, you will see how the value in the text at the bottom of the form changes. After entering the data, you should get a form like this:

Localization 02

Great, let's now switch the language to German in the language switcher on the toolbar. Notice that only the welcome text has changed. This is because only the welcome text is translated into 3 languages - English, German and French (lines 80, 92, 99 in JSON respectively).

Localization 03

Switch the language of the form to French, and the welcome text will change as well.

Localization 04

You can also try switching the form language to other languages and see what happens. If there is no localization for some language - the localization for the default language will work.

Localization editing

Click the "Edit" button to return to editing the form. In the panel on the left you can switch to the "Settings" section, where the form settings are located. In the "Language settings" section you can see the default language settings.

Localization 05

Now select the "RsStaticContent 2" component on the form. In the right pane you can see a blue globe icon next to the "Content" property - this means that the property is defined using localization.

Localization 06

Click on the blue globe icon. And switch to English in the language switcher under the code editor. This language switch changes the language for the localization editor. On the right is a panel with test form data, where you can change the data and check how this or that localization will work.

Localization 07

Switch the language under the code editor to German and paste the text "Vielen Dank!" as in the screenshot below. On the right side you can click the "Run" button to get the localization result. Or select the "Autorun" checkbox to have the localization result recalculated automatically when the data changes. To save the data - click the "Save" button.

Localization 08

Click the "Close" button to close the localization editor. Change the language of the form in the switch above, as on the screenshot - the text will change to the one we just wrote.

Localization 09

Custom localization

If you want to use your localization system, you can plug it in. To do this, you need to pass the localization function through the localize property. The parameters are passed to the function input:

  • localization language.
  • component settings.

Your function should return a Record with the localized values of the component's properties. If the function does not localize the component properties, it should return an empty object. A simple example of a localization function:

function localizer(componentStore: ComponentStore, language: Language): Record<string, any> {
return componentStore.key === 'comment'
? {'placeholder': `${language?.fullCode || 'default language'}`}
: {}

This function localizes only the placeholder property and only on a component with the comment key. The placeholder property is set to the full code of the selected language. You can pass the current language through the language property.


We have shown how localization of component properties works in Form Builder. Localization works the same way as computed properties work, except that the Fluent language is used for localization. We also showed that localization works reactively when data changes.