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Develop front-end drag and drop forms with ease, resulting in cost savings and reduced development timing

Built by developers, for developers

Optimajet FormBuilder offers a comprehensive set of pre-defined validation rules, which can be easily customized. Validators can monitor the values of other fields, run asynchronously, or be linked to specific conditions.

Drag and drop form builder

Intuitive drag and drop interface

Effortlessly create custom forms with intuitive drag and drop interface.

JSON forms

JSON export and import

FormBuilder provides the ability to store all elements, validation rules, and steps as a JSON string. This feature also enables the rendering of dynamic forms.

Adaptive layout

Optimajet FormBuilder empowers you to create unique layouts for each device. Whether it's common screen sizes or your own custom breakpoints, you have full control. Craft specific designs for different devices, ensuring optimal user experiences.

Optimajet FormBuilder Adaptive layout

Customization Options

Customize the appearance and behavior of form elements

Apply custom CSS styling, and add your own validation rules or data processing logic. A flexible and customizable form builder can adapt to your project's unique requirements.

Optimajet FormBuilder Customize the appearance and behavior of form elements

Fields validation

Validate form fields in real-time

Validate form fields in real-time, with custom or external validators.

Complex logic and workflows

Complex logic and workflows

Define rules or conditions that control the visibility or behavior of form fields or sections based on specific criteria or user input. With FormBuilder conditional logic, you can set up rules that determine when certain form elements should be displayed, hidden, or disabled, based on the values or selections made in other fields.


Customizable tabbed forms and wizards

Effortlessly design tabbed forms, step-by-step forms, surveys, and wizards to guide users through a seamless and intuitive form-filling experience. Customize the appearance and layout of tab or step indicators

Optimajet Formbuilder Customizable Tabbed Forms and Wizards

Ready components

Ready-to-use components library

FormBuilder includes ready-to-use components to save your time.

Custom components

Custom or third-party components

Optimajet FormBuilder has support for simple integration with your own custom components. This enables you to extend the functionality of the form builder and seamlessly incorporate your own custom UI elements, styles, and behaviors within the form.

Optimajet FormBuilder Effortlessly manage nested data structures

Nested elements

Effortlessly manage nested data structures

Effortlessly manage nested data structures. By utilizing nested elements in FormBuilder, you can create well-organized, visually appealing, and highly functional forms. The hierarchy and relationships between form elements facilitate conditional displays, logical groupings, and data organization, enhancing the overall user experience and data management in your forms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here we will outline some of the most common questions we get asked about the product.
Missing a question? Feel free to
contact us.

Can it be embedded as an internal product?

Yes, it's must be, as embedded as an internal product.

Is there any way to create a shared configuration for the forms?

To share forms configuration you need export form to JSON and share file, share by embeddable JS code not available now. You can also connect your form repository (e.g. store forms in a database).

Can we reuse the forms like a copy, inherit, or import the basic templates?

You can reuse the forms like a copy, inherit, or import JSON. FormBuilder supports working with templates.

What types of validation can be applied?

Required fields, minimum and maximum length, regular expressions, and custom validation using JavaScript.

Does the platform offer handlers for different types of events such as onChange, onFormLoad, onSubmit, onFocus, etc.?

In FormBuilder your can define handlers for component events, define events and handlers for your custom components.

What about theming?

FormBuilder not support themes for forms, You can can connect own UI kit and use it for forms appearance. Or you can customize theme by providing you own stylesheet.

If you have questions please feel free to ask!

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