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Frequently Asked Questions

Here we will outline some of the most common questions we get asked about the product

Can it be embedded as an internal product?

Yes, it's must be, as embedded as an internal product.

Is there any way to create a shared configuration for the forms?

To share forms configuration you need export form to JSON and share file, share by embeddable JS code not available now. You can also connect your form repository (e.g. store forms in a database).

Can we reuse the forms like a copy, inherit, or import the basic templates?

You can reuse the forms like a copy, inherit, or import JSON. FormBuilder supports working with templates.

What types of validation can be applied?

Required fields, minimum and maximum length, regular expressions, and custom validation using JavaScript.

Does the platform offer handlers for different types of events such as onChange, onFormLoad, onSubmit, onFocus, etc.?

In FormBuilder your can define handlers for component events, define events and handlers for your custom components.

What about theming?

FormBuilder not support themes for forms, You can can connect own UI kit and use it for forms appearance. Or you can customize theme by providing you own stylesheet.

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