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The Container component represents a div tag that wraps other components, providing a way to group and organize content. It can be used to add padding, margins, and other styles to a group of components. It is also especially useful to define and maintain a consistent layout for components within your form.

Container does not provide any Main properties aside from the required Key configuration and additional options. However, it provides a comprehensive list of style properties that corresponds to general screen style configuration options.

Main properties

At the bottom of the Main properties menu, you can find additional options:

Style properties

These properties allow you to customize the size, color, and other style options:

For DevicechoiceProvide component's style customization for all devices or specific devices by using this dropdown list
DirectionchoiceDirection of the container's layout (e.g., row, column, etc.)
GapnumberSpacing between the container's children (e.g., 10px).
Align ItemschoiceAlignment of the container's children (e.g., center, start, etc.)
JustifychoiceJustification of the container's children (e.g., center, space-between, etc.)
Flex WrapchoiceSpecified the wrap options for the container's children (i.e., wrap, nowrap, or wrap reverse)
WidthnumberSets the width of the container
HeightnumberThe height of the container
Margin TopnumberThe top margin of the container
Margin RightnumberThe right margin of the container
Margin BottomnumberThe bottom margin of the container
Margin LeftnumberThe left margin of the container
ColornumberThe text color of the container
Background ColornumberThe background color of the container
Class NamestringAdd a class name for your container for the subsequent styling if necessary
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