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Progress Circle


The Progress Circle component represents the progress or completion of a task or process in a circular format. It is typically used to show the progress of form completion, file uploads, or any other task that involves a sequential process. This component is included within the following NPM package: @react-form-builder/components-rsuite.

This component typically includes a circular shape with a customizable color and size, along with a percentage or label indicating the progress value. You can customize the appearance of the progress circle, including the color, size, behavior, and more. All available properties and options of this component is presented below.

Main properties

The following general properties are available within the Main tab:

Class PrefixstringThe prefix for the CSS class names of the progress circle
PercentnumberThe presented percentage value of the progress circle
Show InfobooleanIf set to true, the progress circle will display the percentage value
StatuschoiceThe status and the color of the progress circle (i.e., success, active, or fail)
Stroke ColorcolorSets the custom color of the progress circle's stroke
Stroke WidthnumberThe width of the progress circle's stroke
Gap DegreenumberThe degree of the gap in the progress circle
Gap PositionchoiceThe position of the gap in the progress circle (i.e., top, bottom, left, right)
Stroke LinecapchoiceThe shape of the progress circle's stroke linecap (i.e., butt, round, square)
Trail ColorcolorThe color of the progress circle's trail
Trail WidthnumberThe width of the progress circle's trail

At the bottom of the Main properties menu, you can find additional options:

Style properties

These are properties that allow to customize the size, color and other style properties of your component:

  • For Device: You can provide component's style customization for all devices or specific devices by using this dropdown list. Refer to Adaptive Layout for more details.
  • Component > Class Name: Add a class name for your component for the subsequent styling if necessary.
  • Wrapper: The options below enable you to tailor the appearance of your component and customize it for a specific device type, as selected in the For Device property:

    WidthnumberSpecifies the width for your component
    HeightnumberSpecifies the height for your component
    Margin top/right/bottom/leftnumberMargin values for you component
    ColorstringAllows customizing the text color
    Background colorstringEnables customizing the background color
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