Rich text editor
RichTextEditor is a thin wrapper around the rich text editor Quill.
This component is in a separate package @react-form-builder/components-rich-text.
Main properties
The following general properties are available within the Main tab:
Name | Type | Description |
Initial Value | string | Initial value for the editor |
Label | string | Provide a title for your component |
Placeholder | string | Placeholder string |
Read only | string | If set to true, makes your component unavailable for users to interact with |
Toolbar options | choice | Groups of buttons to display on the toolbar. The order in which the values are selected determines the order of the buttons |
Modules | json | Allows to customize the behavior and functionality of the editor. Read docs for more info. |
Example of a value for Modules property:
"toolbar": [
[{ "header": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false] }],
["bold", "italic", "underline", "strike"],
[{ "list": "ordered" }, { "list": "bullet" }],
[{ "script": "sub" }, { "script": "super" }],
[{ "indent": "-1" }, { "indent": "+1" }],
[{ "direction": "rtl" }],
[{ "size": ["small", false, "large", "huge"] }],
[{ "color": [] }, { "background": [] }],
[{ "font": [] }],
[{ "align": [] }],
["link", "image", "video"],
At the bottom of the Main properties menu, you can find additional options:
- Render When: Provides conditional rendering for your calendar as described in the corresponding chapter.
- HTML attributes: Allows you to provide custom HTML attributes for your form.
Style properties
These are properties that allow to customize the size, color and other style properties of your component:
- For Device: You can provide component's style customization for all devices or specific devices by using this dropdown list. Refer to Adaptive Layout for more details.
- Component > Class Name: Add a class name for your component for the subsequent styling if necessary.
Wrapper: The options below enable you to tailor the appearance of your component and customize it for a specific device type, as selected in the For Device property:
Name Type Description Width number
Specifies the width for your component Height number
Specifies the height for your component Margin top/right/bottom/left number
Margin values for you component Color string
Allows customizing the text color Background color string
Enables customizing the background color