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The Calendar component, as its name suggests, enables you to add a calendar to your form. This component displays your provided data in a calendar format and allows you to customize calendar's appearance and behavior by modifying various properties.

This component enables users to easily select dates and time ranges for form fields, such as scheduling appointments or events. Additionally, the calendar component can prevent invalid date entries, ensuring accurate data collection. This component is included within the following NPM package: @react-form-builder/components-rsuite.

The following instructions showcase configuration and customization of the calendar component. Explore the various properties and options available to tailor its behavior and appearance to your requirements.

Main properties

The following general properties are available within the Main tab:

KeystringA unique key (name) for you calendar
BorderedbooleanAdds visible borders when checked
CompactstringMakes your calendar compact (smaller) when checked
Default valueDateSets a default value (default date) for your calendar
Read OnlybooleanIf set to true, makes your checkbox unavailable to interact with
Iso weekbooleanEnables ISO 8601 standard, starts each week with Monday when checked
ValueDateSets a controlled value (selected date) for your calendar

At the bottom of the Main properties menu, you can find additional options:

Style properties

These are properties that allow to customize the size, color and other style properties of your component:

  • For Device: You can provide component's style customization for all devices or specific devices by using this dropdown list. Refer to Adaptive Layout for more details.
  • Component > Class Name: Add a class name for your component for the subsequent styling if necessary.
  • Wrapper: The options below enable you to tailor the appearance of your component and customize it for a specific device type, as selected in the For Device property:

    WidthnumberSpecifies the width for your component
    HeightnumberSpecifies the height for your component
    Margin top/right/bottom/leftnumberMargin values for you component
    ColorstringAllows customizing the text color
    Background colorstringEnables customizing the background color
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