Variable: IFormDataDeclaration
IFormDataDeclaration: "declare interface IFormData {\n /**\n * @returns the {@link Record} with all the form data.\n */\n get data(): Record<string, unknown>\n\n /**\n * @returns the {@link Record} with all validation error messages.\n */\n get errors(): Record<string, unknown>\n\n /**\n * true if the form contains errors, otherwise false.\n */\n get hasErrors(): boolean\n\n /**\n * @returns A user-defined key-value observable storage. Utilize it to store and share any custom data.\n */\n get state(): Record<string, unknown>\n\n /**\n * Sets the validation error message for all form data fields.\n * @param message the validation error message.\n */\n setAllErrors(message?: string): void\n\n /**\n * Validates the data in the form.\n */\n validate(): Promise<void>\n \n /**\n * Returns the validation results without triggering an events and changing the state of the form.\n * @returns the validation results.\n */\n getValidationResult: () => Promise<ValidationMessages>\n\n /**\n * If true, then validation is in progress.\n */\n get isValidating(): boolean\n\n /**\n * Sets the form to its default value.\n */\n reset(): void\n\n /**\n * Clears the form data.\n */\n clear(): void\n}"
Description of the form data for the code editor.